Welcome to Reception and Year 1

Our Gospel Value

Our class gospel value is forgiveness; we believe forgiveness is important as it allows us to follow our school mission statement and to be happy at school. Our main class rule is to be kind and we recognise that forgiveness can be demonstrated through a kind word or action, a smile, or an offer to play.

Our Class Charity


Being prepared for school each day

Children will need their waterproof coat, a bottle filled with water and a bag for reading books. The children are expected to come to school looking very smart and are should take pride in their uniform – “Looking Smart, Thinking Smart!”  Could you please make sure all names are written inside all the items of uniform. As staff, we always remind the children to look after their belongings. Could you please make sure your children are wearing the correct school uniform daily, including smart school shoes, ties and their hair tied up. Could we also ask that the children do not come to school with a pencil case, toys, wearing nail varnish and jewellery as this is not part of their school uniform.

Break and lunch times

Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.

Miss Daykin  – Class Teacher

Mrs Dooley-Thompson – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Dooley Thompson

Miss Shaw – HLTA

Miss Jade Shaw Teaching Assistant

EYFS Newsletter – overview of learning

Y1/2 Advent 2 Newsletter – overview of Year 1 learning

Year One Advent Two Knowledge Mat

Please check you child’s reading diary for the most recent homework expectations.

Our PE day is Thursday. The children will need a PE kit in school comprising of a white polo t shirt, blue shorts and plimsolls. The children can also wear their school PE hoodie or school fleece.  Our current PE topic is dance which is taught in the hall.

Meet the Staff for this Class

Miss Durkan

Mrs Dooley- Thompson

Miss Shaw

Useful Links