
The Local Governing Body (LGB) at English Martyrs’ Catholic Voluntary Academy has the following responsibilities:

  • Ensuring that the school is conducted as a Catholic school meeting the expectations set out for his schools by the Bishop of Nottingham including on the development of the Catholic Life of the school, the appointment of leaders and other staff and facilitating diocesan canonical inspection.
  • Supporting effective governance at all levels of the Catholic Multi Academy Trust (CMAT).
  • Safeguarding and promoting the Catholic values of the school
  • Supporting the leadership team at the school and acting as a critical friend.
  • Supporting the CMAT in the development of succession planning of leadership within the school and the CMAT.
  • Maintaining a detailed understanding of the strengths and areas for development of the school.
  • Regularly monitoring the school development plan and in year performance and progress data.
  • Monitoring performance management in the school and supporting the performance management of the headteacher.
  • Monitoring the management of behaviour, attendance, exclusions and admissions.
  • Monitoring the effectiveness of the deployment of resources at the school.
  • Developing the engagement with the local school and parish community(ies).

English Martyrs’ Governing Body

Chair of Governors

David Boott – email:

Vice Chair

Joseph Hopkins


Rebecca Hughes

Governors Register of Interest and Attendance Record

NameRoleAppointed ByDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeExpiry of Current TermBusiness and Pecuniary InterestsAttendance 2022/23
Mr David BoottFoundation GovernorBishop1st September 20234 years31st August 2027None6/6
Mr Joseph HopkinsFoundation GovernorBishop1st January 20214 years31st December 2024None3/6
Jane WattsFoundation GovernorBishop1st November 20234 years31st October 2027NoneN/A
David DoyleFoundation GovernorBishop1st November 20234 years31st October 2027NoneN/A
Muire DunneParent GovernorParents4th January 20214 years4th January 2025None6/6
Weronika TobiasiewiczParent GovernorParents4th January 20214 years4th January 2025None6/6

Governors who served in the previous 12 months

NameRoleAppointed ByDate of AppointmentTerm of OfficeExpiry of Current TermBusiness and Pecuniary InterestsAttendance 2022/23
Mr Jonathan CuttingFoundation GovernorBishop1st March 20194 yearsResigned 28th September 2023None6/6 sessions
Mrs Clare NewmanFoundation GovernorBishop1st September 20158 yearsResigned 31st August 2023None3/6 sessions

English Martyrs’ Local Governing Body Meeting Dates 2023-24

The Local Governing Body meets formally six times per year. The following dates have been set but may be subject to change.

  • Advent 1 – 28th September 2023
  • Advent 2 – 23rd November 2023

Annual Reports and Accounts, Members and Trustees Information and Duties

Information in these areas is held on the St Ralph Sherwin Catholic Multi Academy Trust website or by clicking the link below:

Scheme of Delegation – September 2022 SRS


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