Collective Worship

Collective Worship at English Martyrs’ is at the heart of what we do. We are proud to offer pupils, members of staff and our wider community the opportunity to grow spiritually, through experiences of prayer, worship and reflection. Our collective worship is inclusive, creative and inspirational.

Collective worship can be experienced through:

  • Mass – At the beginning of every school year, we will send out dates for our whole school celebrations with Father Christopher. For children in Key Stage 2, pupils will also plan and celebrate their own class Mass – these are on a much smaller scale and parents are invited to celebrate with us.
  • Eucharistic Adoration – Adoration is when we go and adore Jesus Christ. We are very fortunate to have our own Tabernacle in our Light Room and therefore at certain times in the year, we are able to have the Blessed Sacrament in school with us. During Adoration, Jesus’s body is on display in the monstrance on the altar. Pupils make themselves aware of Jesus’s presence in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, under the appearance of the consecrated host.
  • Whole School Liturgical Prayer – Every Tuesday, the whole school will gather to celebrate our liturgical prayer together. This is planned, delivered and evaluated entirely by the pupils themselves. This Liturgical Prayer is usually focused around the Word of the Week.
  • Key Stage Liturgical Prayer – Every Monday, one teacher from each Key Stage will plan and deliver a Liturgical Prayer to their Key Stage. These can be based on: British Values, Saints, Feast Days, Charities and/or Catholic Social Teachings. Teachers are encouraged to allow pupils to also help deliver or evaluate the Liturgical Prayer.
  • Class Collective Worship – When we do not have a whole school gathering, pupils will experience prayer in their classes. Teachers offer opportunities to worship in different ways using music, silence, story, circle time, prayer and reflection. Our Chaplaincy team members are also assigned to a class to help support pupils in planning their own Liturgical Prayer.
  • Good News Liturgical Prayer – Every Friday, we are delighted to invite parents in to join us in celebrating the good news of each phase. It is during this that pupils will share scripture, their achievements, what they’ve learnt so far and general good news.

English Martyrs’ School Prayer

Holy English Martyrs’,

Hear us as we sing…

Guide us with light, so that we may,

Have faith and trust in God.

Help us to show respect to grow,

In friendship with your love.

Let us inspire each other to,

Be the best that we can be.

Let our light shine out with love and faith,

For everyone to see.
