Welcome to Year 5 and 6

In year 5 and 6, we are very proud of who we are and what we achieve on a daily basis.

Our Gospel Value

Our class Gospel Value is Humility, so while we have many things to be proud about, we strive to remain humble and focus on being the best we can be in our hearts rather than shouting about it all the time. We are most proud of our class community, showing each other support, compassion and kindness wherever we go.

Our Class Charity


Mission Together is the children’s branch of Missio – the Catholic Church’s official children’s charity for overseas mission.

For 170 years it’s helped Catholic children follow Jesus’ example: by praying, fundraising and becoming missionaries themselves.

It helps people regardless of background or beliefs to show the all-embracing nature of the Catholic Church and the true meaning of ‘mission’.

Being prepared for school each day

Children will need their waterproof coat, a bottle filled with water and a bag for reading books and homework. Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.

Break and lunch times

Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.

Miss Durkan – Class Teacher

Mrs Wood – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Rachel Wood Teaching Assistant

Our topic for this term is all about Anglo Saxons and Scots, we therefore have history as our ‘driver’ subject, so everything we learn will hopefully feed into the children’s history knowledge. We will be reading the book Beowulf by Michael Murpurgo and if any children wish to buy their own copy to use in class then they are more than welcome to. This book will drive our literacy lessons for the first two weeks and then we will move onto non-fiction texts that support our history.

Year 6 homework will be set every Monday. Children will be asked to complete at least one practise SATs test in their revision guides for SPaG, Maths and Reading. Homework is due in every Friday.


Please ensure children have their PE kit in school every day and that all items are clearly labelled. Children will now get changed at school on a Friday morning. Y5/6 will have PE on and Friday and children will now get changed at school in the morning. May we remind you that this consists of a plain white t-shirt, blue shorts/skirt, plimsolls or trainers. A plain dark tracksuit may be worn for outdoor lessons. Also, a gentle reminder that earrings need to be removed for PE lessons, therefore ensure children come to school without their earrings or ensure your child can take out and put them back in after the PE lesson.

Meet the Staff for this Class

Miss Durkan

Mrs Wood

Useful Links