Welcome to Year 3 and 4

Our Gospel Value

Our class Gospel Value is Equality. This means that we always include other people no matter what their culture, skin tone, hair colour or accent is. This is important because without it others won’t feel included and it will go against what Jesus taught us.

Our Class Charity

Our class charity is The Canal and River Trust as our locality has access to the Erewash canal and we love raising awareness of habitats and safety around the canal.

Canal & River Trust 

Being prepared for school each day

Children will need their waterproof coat, a bottle filled with water, a bag for reading books and homework and a packed lunch (if required). Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.

Break and lunch times

Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.

Ms Copeland  – Class Teacher

Ms Max Copeland Y3 Teacher

Mrs Jenkins

Mrs Sharon Jenkins Teaching Assistant

Mrs Thompson

Mrs Jennifer Thompson Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistants

How did it all begin?

This term’s topic has a History focus where we will look at the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. In Science, we will be learning about rocks, fossils and soils and our English learning will concentrate on texts linked to the learning. First, we will look at the fiction text, The First Drawing, then a non-fiction text around our topic theme.


Please try to hear your children read and make a note in their reading diary. We will endeavour to listen to your child read at least once per week but the more practice they get reading aloud the better as reading is vital in all subjects across the curriculum. We are encouraging the children to use the reading journal space to record their thoughts and feelings about their books using either words or pictures.


Your child’s homework for this half term has been stuck in their reading diaries so please check there for the most recent homework expectations.

Y4 Times Tables Practise

Times tables knowledge is an important part of the children’s maths understanding and at the end of year 4 the children will be completing a times table test. We will therefore be beginning to prepare the children for this by giving them time to practise in school using TT Rockstars. Year 4 children will no longer have a times table test at the end of each week as they will be working on their times table fluency using the laptops but we would like them to practise for at least 15 minutes every week at home in the garage section of TT Rockstars.


Please ensure children have their PE kit in school every day and that all items are clearly labelled. Children will now get changed at school on a Friday morning. Y3/4 will have PE on and Friday and children will now get changed at school in the morning. May we remind you that this consists of a plain white t-shirt, blue shorts/skirt, plimsolls or trainers. A plain dark tracksuit may be worn for outdoor lessons. Also, a gentle reminder that earrings need to be removed for PE lessons, therefore ensure children come to school without their earrings or ensure your child can take out and put them back in after the PE lesson.

Meet the Staff for this Class

Ms Copeland

Mrs Jenkins

Mrs Thompson

Useful Links