Welcome to Year 6

In Year 6 we want to make our final year of our EM journey our best!

Our Gospel Value

Our classroom Gospel Value is ‘Simplicity’ and from the very beginning of the year, we try to deepen our understanding of what this means, applying it to different situations throughout the year. Our first is thinking of our class charities.  Our second is how we can use our Gospel Value to support others in the school. Each child has a specific role and responsibility across the school, helping younger children and staff members alike. We know Year 6 can be tough with the end of year tests but we have fun and laughter along the way!

Our Class Charities

Our class charity is NDCYS



NDCYS – Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service

Being prepared for school each day

Children will need their waterproof coat, a bottle filled with water and a bag for reading books. Pencil cases and other school equipment will be provided for children by school. It is important that we limit what is being brought into school, so pencil cases and other accessories from home won’t be needed.

Break and lunch times

Children have one breaktime in the morning. For this time, they are welcome to bring a healthy snack with them to eat during break.

Miss Cope- Class Teacher


Mrs Wood – Teaching Assistant

Mrs Rachel Wood Teaching Assistant

Our topic for this term is all about Anglo Saxons and Scots, we therefore have history as our ‘driver’ subject, so everything we learn will hopefully feed into the children’s history knowledge. We will be reading the book Beowulf by Michael Murpurgo and if any children wish to buy their own copy to use in class then they are more than welcome to. This book will drive our literacy lessons for the first two weeks and then we will move onto non-fiction texts that support our history.

Children have been given their homework books – one for SPaG, one for reading and one for maths.

Homework will be set every Monday and is due in every Friday.

As we move closer to SATs, we may set additional homework.


Please ensure children come to school dressed for PE every Friday and Tuesday (when swimming).

May we kindly remind you that this consists of a plain white t-shirt, blue shorts/skirt, plimsolls or trainers. A plain dark tracksuit may be worn for outdoor lessons. Earrings must also be removed for PE lessons, therefore ensure children come to school without their earrings or ensure your child can take out and put them back in after the PE lesson.

Meet the Staff for this Class

Miss Cope

Mrs Wood

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